Classifieds - Rockford

2000 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE 2D HATCHBACK  offer Car

2000 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE 2D HATCHBACK


Clean outside and inside. One owner. Runs great! Regular oil changes and well maintained. 166,650 miles Call: 815-474-4961...




Daughter got married and doesn't need her car any longer. Car and body are in good condition. Clean interior. She always had Oil changed and kept up with maintenance. New brake and fuel lines were in...

infra-red sauna offer Health and Beauty

infra-red sauna

$1000Health and Beauty

2 person infra-red sauna with push button controls and AM/FM radio with CD player...

Crestwood Illinois Garage Sale offer Garage and Moving Sale

Crestwood Illinois Garage Sale

Garage and Moving Sale

Huge garage sale 5417 West 137th street Crestwood Illinois Saturday October 18th! Household items, tools, dryer, outdoor furniture, clothes and much much more!...

home office desk and matching book case offer Home and Furnitures

home office desk and matching book case

$75Home and Furnitures


Retrax rolling cover  offer Auto Parts

Retrax rolling cover

$100Auto Parts

Retrax rolling cover for Ford F150 black gloss finish 5 1/2' bed. Cover only....

Electric E-scooter Citycoco fat tires offer Motorcycle

Electric E-scooter Citycoco fat tires


This MODEL is EEC a 3000 watts 63V 20ah removable Lithium battery Citycoco fat tires electric scooter, in different colors. Gloss Dark red, light brown, matte gray, matte blue, and gloss dark blue. Br...

Auto detailing  offer Auto Services

Auto detailing

Auto Services

Independent one man auto detailing. Located in Lincoln Il.Detail includes wash&wax,wheel&tire shine,windows washed inside and out,interior vacuuming,dash&doors cleaned and protected. Cars-$60,S.U.V's-...

1990 International 4900 offer Truck

1990 International 4900


Good condition 1990 International 4900 Dump Truck 466 Diesel engine air brakes runs well...

Moving Sale offer Home and Furnitures

Moving Sale

Home and Furnitures

Good Furniture, Bedroom Set, Newer Queen Beds, kitchenware, Coca-Cola glasses and Plates, Newer 65" big screen TV, computer desk and book case, oak bookcases, pool table (non granite beginner), uprigh...

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