Classifieds - Illinois

ROOMMATE NEEDED  offer Roomate Wanted


Roomate Wanted

Hi Im a 49 year old woman looking for a female roommate in the Plainfield area. Price range 600.00. Please respond if interested. ...

Windsield and auto chip repair offer Vehicle

Windsield and auto chip repair


Windshield and auto glass repair..... 14 years experience ....we are much less expensive than our competitors and charge $40 per chip extra charge for hard to do jobs or length of time... we h...

Caregiver offer Full Time


$350Full Time

Very strong and experienced caregiver here at your service.Contact me for full details. 24 hour live-in service....

Stratford Sofa from Walter E Smith offer Home and Furnitures

Stratford Sofa from Walter E Smith

Home and Furnitures

Mint condition sofa. No stains. No tears or rips. Sofa was kept covered when in use. Dimensions: 90 inches long Depth 44 inches...

Roadside Assistance available now! offer Auto Services

Roadside Assistance available now!

Auto Services

Are you stranded somewhere? Flat tire? Dead battery? Out of fuel? I can help, Just call 1-312-975-7901...

Part time truck driver offer Driving Jobs

Part time truck driver

$23.11Driving Jobs

Mail hauler in box truck from main post office to smaller towns. Early morning and late afternoon hrs. Part time hrs....

Ford F150 Rims offer Auto Parts

Ford F150 Rims

$200Auto Parts

4 rims for sale will fit Ford F150 between the years 2004 and 2011 if you think it'll fit past the year 2011 it might. These are 17" rims. Have all 4 rims including caps and lugs I bought them for m...

Love seat offer Home and Furnitures

Love seat

$59Home and Furnitures


Marshall Fields Dinner table. offer Home and Furnitures

Marshall Fields Dinner table.

$599Home and Furnitures


Leather Chair  offer Home and Furnitures

Leather Chair

$59Home and Furnitures

Nice leather....

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