Classifieds - Illinois

Multi-Family Garage Sale! offer Garage and Moving Sale

Multi-Family Garage Sale!

Garage and Moving Sale

We have a little bit of everything. Various sizes of women and children's clothing, assorted sizes of men, women and children's shoes. Children's toys, home decor, various furniture, jewelry, YA books...

convenient auto repair offer Auto Services

convenient auto repair

Auto Services

Auto repair shop hours inconvenient???? No need to worry! We can come to you! We can do your auto repairs around your schedule. Anything from oil changes to engine rebuilds. Low prices and quality wo...

$3,500 custom wedding dress never been worn very beautiful maroon and white sleeveless has the least to lace up the back offer Clothes and Shoes

$3,500 custom wedding dress never been worn very beautiful maroon and white sleeveless has the least to lace up the back

Clothes and Shoes

Very beautiful $3,500 wedding dress maroon and white sleeveless has maroon lacing to lace up the back never been worn asking $500 firm...

Maintenance/Administrative Associate offer Part Time

Maintenance/Administrative Associate

Part Time

Looking for a person part-time (4-5 hours per day) to assist the Leasing/Property Manager with the management and operation of five three-story office buildings in Bloomingdale, with the following res...

Parking space offer For Rent

Parking space

For Rent

Parking space for rent. Great rivernorth location ...

Dental Assisting Program offer Classes

Dental Assisting Program


North Shore Dental Assisting Academy, LibertyvilleTrain to be a Dental Assistant in 10 Weeks Hands on curriculumAffordable Tuition, Small Classes to promote success, Sunday and Evening Classes startin...

Indy 500 Ticket for sale offer Tickets

Indy 500 Ticket for sale


Indy 500 Ticket in section "J" turn 4. ...

Excellent Opportunity in Schaumburg-$419,900 offer House For Sale

Excellent Opportunity in Schaumburg-$419,900

House For Sale

$10,100 PRICE REDUCTION Two stiory 4bdrm, 3.5bath, 0.28 acre corner lot, spacious rooms with full finished basement, newer appliances, flooring, schaumburg schools, priced to sell must see...

Painter offer General Labor


General Labor

Looking for an exterior painter, no experience required. Outdoor work 10-14$ per hour. Must be 18+ and have reliable transportation. ...

Monte Carlo SS offer Car

Monte Carlo SS


2004 Monte Carlo SS #8 Dale Eirnhart180,000 very good condifion inside and out ...

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