Large dish is 16 inches tall. It has a band of roses around the top 4 in all. 15 point star around bottom 6 in all with 12 point star inside of them. I bought this in 1977 for my mother’s Christmas p...
There is no name on the saw. It is 5 ft long and 5 1/8 at the widest point. My father and I have used this quire a bit. It cuts very well. He has had this as long as I have been alive 57 yrs. Asking $...
Home Services —
If you are looking for a good quality painter, base,trim,drywall,texture professional etx. Please contact Brock @661-346-9200...
New in the box, 5# Shake Weight $45.00 + shipping...
Missing dog last seen by perrine bridge around 5 pm dogs name is Kwai. Was wearing gray harness with Denver Bronco tag with both parents phone numbersIf seen please call either 720-338-2420 or 720-322...
New, Used, Antiques, Modern, Crafts, Collectibles items. Open to ALL Vendors $30 space 10x10 plus $10 cleaning fee. Sat, January 27, 2018. Attendees: $3 fee, chidren 12 and under free. Contact Vick...
Records, plays DVDs and VHS. Very Good condition. Located in Gooding. Call 208-420-6335. Please leave message....
Dish Tailgater with Wally Receiver for sale. Package includes: Dish, Wally Receiver and remote. Coax Cable, Tri-pod stand, and Carry Case. Also have an alarm system. Asking $250.00 + shipping - or...
4 Lines for $100, come on in and see us. We've got the LG Fortune, the ZTE Overature 3, and the LG AMP 2 free with port in from other services. ...