Home Health
Part Time — 04-20-2020
Need someone part time to help with cooking and running errands. 2 to 3 hrs per day. Pay up to 14$ per hour cash. For a 65 yr. old W M. Statesboro, Ga Email Kenphil8@gmail.com...
Part Time — 04-20-2020
Need someone part time to help with cooking and running errands. 2 to 3 hrs per day. Pay up to 14$ per hour cash. For a 65 yr. old W M. Statesboro, Ga Email Kenphil8@gmail.com...
$400 — Financial Services — 04-20-2020
Independent financial relief agents to perform, market, and recruit businesses to apply for corona relief funding from the government. You will gather business owner information to submit in a quick ...
$385 — Roomate Wanted — 04-18-2020
Room for rent with Kitchen, living rm. and bath room shared. Amount includes all utilities such as electric, water, cable, internet and wifi. No Pets. Female and Smoker preferred. $100.00 dep. non r...
Items Wanted — 04-17-2020
Want to buy small pontoon boat; 12-20 feet long; in good condition. Boat motor and trailer for under 4000. Dollars. Must be water ready. 706-831-0134....
Home and Furnitures — 04-13-2020
Whole house full of furniture. Bring truck. Best offer. Call Jim at 706-332-2890...
For Rent — 04-11-2020
Room for Rent Riverdale Clean Safe Marta Shopping call Mr Jack 6784851783...
Lawn and Garden — 04-10-2020
21” McLane Reel Lawnmower - excellent condition w/ grass catcher. Just serviced. $550 OBO Scott:404/435.1385...
Real Estate Wanted — 04-06-2020
Looking for homes for sale by owner. No agents or wholesalers please. We can pay cash for your home and close quickly. Looking for homes in Gwinnett, Walton and Dekalb counties. CASH AND QUI...
Babysitting — 04-01-2020
Due to our current Coronavirus pandemic. I have room for several children while your at work. I do understand how much this is a inconvenience for you and your family. I will provide a safe clean envi...
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