Classifieds - Georgia

We  Buy  Junk  Cars..  and  Pay   you  Cash  on  the  Spot offer Auto Services

We Buy Junk Cars.. and Pay you Cash on the Spot

Auto Services

Call Right Now... For Cash on The ... Call Today for a Quote...We also sell Car and Truck Batteries at $35.00 and up with the Exchange of an old Batterycall Keke ...

Junk Car ?  you want  some  cash   well   Call  us  Now.. offer Auto Services

Junk Car ? you want some cash well Call us Now..

Auto Services

Sell us that Junk Car... and get some cash in your pockets now.. so if you are ready to make a deal... let's talk business.. Call today for a Quote..Call ...

A Nanny at your service offer Babysitting

A Nanny at your service


After hours childcare available,affordable and safe Christian environment 6p-6a Sun-Thurs (Friday's and Saturdays by appointment only) Call 404 418-2708 For more information ...

Bass Tracker 165 offer Sporting Goods

Bass Tracker 165

$8000Sporting Goods

have a 2010/2011 Bass tracker with extras, clean great shape, everything works. Need to sell, , IRS i owe...

FREE Hip Hop/Rap Show ATLANTA  offer Service Wanted


Service Wanted

Interested in performing In Atlanta Tuesday April 10th @smithsoldebar? SLOTS ARE FREE.. (1 song)PRIME (Guaranteed) Slots Avail but very limited ($50) 1 song ($75) for 2 songs! Please send artist nam...

In home child care offer Job

In home child care


Looking for a reliable person to watch a 6 month old in my home. Food provided and no extra duties required. Job duties includes only taking care of a 6 month old infant from 7:50 am to 5:45 PM Monday...

Temporary home needed for Charlie offer Babysitting

Temporary home needed for Charlie


I just moved from Los Angeles to McDonough GA. The people I’m staying with are highly allergic to cats and I find myself with nowhere to keep my Charlie until I find a place. I’m looking for someone ...

Temporary home needed for Charlie offer Babysitting

Temporary home needed for Charlie


I just moved from Los Angeles to McDonough GA. The people I’m staying with are highly allergic to cats and I find myself with nowhere to keep him until I find a place. I’m looking for someone within a...

Corvette coupe top  offer Garage and Moving Sale

Corvette coupe top

$1200Garage and Moving Sale

2001 Corvette coupe top....

Fish tank offer Items For Sale

Fish tank

$150Items For Sale

Fish tank and fish and supplies for sale...

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