Classifieds - Tampa

Barns of America Inc offer Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc

Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc 26151 SE HWY 19 OldTown Fl 32680 Website ( Whoa! Hang on, you said pole barn? We gotcha ...

Barns of America Inc offer Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc

Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc 26151 SE HWY 19 OldTown Fl 32680 Website ( Whoa! Hang on, you said pole barn? We gotcha covered like your neighbo...

Ford Explorer 2001 offer SUV

Ford Explorer 2001


Ford Explorer 2001, no rust, well maintained, 6 cylinder, New battery, altinator, new tires, runs great. Miles is 186k, but this suv is really in great shape., must see....

Room for elderly person wants to not go into nursing facility  offer Roomate Wanted

Room for elderly person wants to not go into nursing facility

Roomate Wanted

Lost our tenant after 20 years.We are looking for another person who needs help with taking care of themself. Retired home health care aid, still helping.$1,800 month , full care in nice home....

Barns of America Inc offer Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc

Lawn and Garden

Spring is here & out with the old & in with the NEW! So now what do you do with all your old stuff, Easter, Summer, Christmas, Kids Sports Equipment, Baby Stuff & so much moor. Then you need to talk ...

Barns of America Inc offer Lawn and Garden

Barns of America Inc

Lawn and Garden

ss Barns of America Inc (Construction Material) 26151 SE HWY 19 Old Town,Fl 32680 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm & Saturday 8am-3pm Phone #(352)469-5044 or (35...

Photography  offer Arts



Black and white dark room. Omega enlarger and all the accessories. $50 or best offer. ...

1939 ford parts offer Auto Parts

1939 ford parts

Auto Parts

To much to mention...

Big Man's Moving Company offer Moving Services

Big Man's Moving Company

Moving Services

Making sure that you move your belongings from your old house to the new one is not going to be easy if you want to do it by yourself. You will have too many things to deal with and that is why you sh...

Heater offer Appliances



Hampton Bay infrared stove heater. Electric, 120 volt. 1500 watts. Never used. Unique, charming and practical to heat a room. $75 ...

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