We offer very low rates in assisting you with filling out your required immigration forms. Hablamos Espanol!! Trabajamos con todos los formularios del Department of Homeland Security. Es importante t...
$800 — Appliances —
2017 Kenmore washer and dryer in storage. Very good condition runs well. $800 for the set cash only. Well not ship....
Indoor cat. House trained. Very lovable. She is spayed and up to date on all shits. F l ea and tick free. Moved to new place and can't keep her. Don't want to pur her in the Humane Society. Needs a wa...
Auto Services —
Friendly door to door service. Female owner. Low prices, call for a free quote....
$12500 — Truck —
Has everything needed for u just get in and go. Call nick 9546968782...
Affordable plumbing done right the first time...
$600 — Home and Furnitures —
Selling 7 doors from mansion remodeling. All have handles and hinges. $60 each or $600 for all....
$259000 — House For Sale —
4 bedroom 2 bath, fenced yard, Central air,. Home in good condition for sale. Value at (259K) Seller may assist with financing. Will accept boat or condo toward down payment....
Home for rent.3/2 $1600 Washer/dryer . New appliances. nice quiet neighborhood. Big yard. All fenced in.Close to deerfieldbeach high and Tedder elementary....
Fully remodeled, only189,223 miles, 2000 Chevrolet Express 3500 V8 Engine 5.7L. Perfect For a Workers Truck
LIST OF All Repairs BELOW:(over $2500 in upgrades/repairs(WE HAVE ALL RECEIPTS and copi...