$18 — Part Time —
Non-medical elder services. Help with meal prep,light housecleaning,getting to and from doctor appointments,companion services.Spectrum Life Care Services can help. Not only do we provide services for...
$45 — Appliances —
I'm looking for a free bunny it can be any color hopefully a small one....
Lawn chairs,air mattress,frames,pictures,holloween costumes,area rug,coolers,hand tools,heaters,,chair cushions,wine rack,storage contairs and so much more....
Wanted to buy Ford High Top Van, 2000 to 2010 clean and reasonable miles...
Dell desktop w/windows 10 with keyboard
Logitech mouse
Cannon printer mg2500 /copy/scanner$80.00 all
Please email me if interested
Let us help you save money with our Affordable Plan! Dental and Medical. With Dantel being $ 19.95 a month per house
hold and TeleMed $ 24.95 a month per house hold. Check out our website @ mayatubur...
$1300 — Commercial Lease —
and office space located on a busy corner of park blvd and 49th street pinellas park
Florida ...
Only 80,000 miles drive like new...
1991 37 foot motor home with cummins diesel engine 6 cylinder fair condition runs great 107,000 miles must sell due to failing health asking 4,500.00 it is in Largo FL will be there between October 4 ...