RN for 20yrs. W/13 yrs hospital experience in newborn baby care, lactation and mother support. Looking to help new mom with care of infant, breastfeeding support and general support as needed. Need to...
Responsible women who LOVES Dogs. Great with small and large breeds alike even Pit Bulls as long as friendly. I have a special place in my heart for senior dogs. I grew up with German shepherd as kid...
Home Services —
CHUCK'S LAWNGROOMING shrub trimming, landscape planting, weeding, fertilizing. call 727/796/1870 or e-mail logsdon777@hotmail.com...
Free 200 concrete blocks.....
hello, IM a experienced Babysitter who has been Babysitting for about 5 or 6 years know. I would make sure that who's ever kids that I babysit would be very well taken care of like, given baths to if ...
Harley sissy bar insert...
One time clearance sale of original paintings to reduce gallery stock. Originally priced up to $100.00. $39.00 ea. or 2 for $70.00Bird painting is Pastel W gold frame.Woman is Acrylic...
Paintings by well know International Artist / Instructor. One time special reduce to number of paintings in Gallery . Original acrylic or pastel . $29,00 each or 2 for $50.00chance to buy originals th...
White like new walk in cooler shelves asking $350.00 ...
Solid wood easel with storage drawers for paints,brushes, etc. Folds up for easy transport or storage....