Junk removal
Service Wanted — 02-21-2020
Garage is full of junk must be done by The end of May.. Pay me to have it removed from the property... ...
Service Wanted — 02-21-2020
Garage is full of junk must be done by The end of May.. Pay me to have it removed from the property... ...
Computers and Electronics — 02-16-2020
65” LG TV Great condition six years old the picture on this is still amazing $1000 or best offer...
Auto Services — 02-10-2020
My Father was an Air Force Veteran. I just buried my Dad on February 4 , 2020. He left me his vehicle and I'm in need of tire rotation and alignment. I'm awaiting a schedule for my new job and have...
Lawn and Garden — 01-20-2020
Homemade utility trailer new fenders new sidewalls new decking. Three tool boxes mounted twin axle with electric brakes needs minor little things to finish have new lights for the trailer just need t...
Business and Franchise — 01-14-2020
86 buick rigo part for sale /86 chevy elcamino brand new grill tail light /looking to buy 1986-87 chevy el camino ...
$30 — Home and Furnitures — 12-30-2019
Lennox temper-wear 14 pc. dish set and coffee mugs 860-402-2449 leave msg....
Car — 12-01-2019
I'm selling my 1989 firbird for 3,500. The car is in great shape and runs good.It is a V6 automatic with 79,240 miles on it. Has a moon roof that was put in after market and needs to be adjusted becau...
Garage and Moving Sale — 11-20-2019
Stop by "Vintage Revisited", our unique shop in Hampton, CT, this weekend Nov 22, 23 and 24 for vintage holiday items! Old ornaments, nativity figures, repurposed crafts, candles, wreaths and figurine...
Legal Jobs — 11-19-2019
Looking for a legal transcriptionist to transcribe court proceedings, depositions, etc. Excellent grammar and attention to detail is essential. Pay is per page. Please send resume to ctlady222@gmail...
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