Classifieds - Connecticut

Rento apartamento  offer Apartment For Rent

Rento apartamento

$1500Apartment For Rent

Apartment for rent in a second floor at 18 larsen street Norwalk Ct..2 bedrooms apartment ...

i will buy your cracked phone today offer Computers and Electronics

i will buy your cracked phone today

Computers and Electronics

buying cracked phone. also purses and collectibles give me a call and lets make a deal...

Lease Audi Q7 offer Car

Lease Audi Q7


Audi lease MAKE: Audi MODEL: Q7 PRICE: $620 MPG: 18 City / 27 Highway LEASE TERM: 39 Months MILES PER YEAR: 7,500 VEHICLE TYPE: SUV As chic as it is spacious, few three-row vehicles can ...

Hartford Car Leasing offer Auto Services

Hartford Car Leasing

Auto Services

Hartford Car Leasing 43 Hungerford St Hartford, CT 06106(860) 947-4800 Working Hours: Mon-Th, Sat 09:00am-09:00pm; Fri 09:00am-...

Lease Ford Shelby GT350 offer Car

Lease Ford Shelby GT350


Ford lease deals MAKE: Ford MODEL: Shelby GT350 MPG: 14 City / 21 Highway LEASE TERM: 36 Months MILES PER YEAR: 10,500 VEHICLE TYPE: Sport The all-new, all-awesome Shelby GT350 picks up whe...

Greenwich Car Lease offer Auto Services

Greenwich Car Lease

Auto Services

Greenwich Car Lease 32 Lafayette Pl Greenwich, CT 06830203-813-5575 Working Hours: Mon-Th, Sat 09:00am-09:00pm; Fri 09:00am-07:0...

Moving Sale, Furniture offer Home and Furnitures

Moving Sale, Furniture

Home and Furnitures

#1 Cherry Dresser, good condition $60.00 #2 Antique White Wicker Hamper $60.00...

Moving, Fine Furniture For Sale offer Home and Furnitures

Moving, Fine Furniture For Sale

Home and Furnitures

#1 Ethan Allen three piece tv cabinet, lower dresser with draws, middle section for cable box, dvd/VHS and top cabinet with folding doors to hide the tv $400.00 #2 Mirror $40.00, great condition...

Moving Sale, Fine Furniture, Simsbury CT offer Home and Furnitures

Moving Sale, Fine Furniture, Simsbury CT

Home and Furnitures

Antique Cedar Chest $65. 31 1/2" h 44"w 19" d Biedermeier Desk/Cabinet $1500. 81" h 48 1/2 w 23 1/8 x ...

Harley Davidson ROADKING 2004 offer Motorcycle

Harley Davidson ROADKING 2004


Very good condition runs well milage 67000, text my number 203-671-1711, if you would like to see pictures i can text them to your phone....

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