Classifieds - Denver

Very dependable vehicle offer Vehicle

Very dependable vehicle


2001 Honda Odyssey ex 222234 miles, very dependable and everything works, selling it because I'm moving out of the country, for$1400 Cash money you will have a great used vehicle, no back seats, have ...

Stucco Scaffolding  offer Tools

Stucco Scaffolding


I have 3' wide 6' high frames and everything to go with them for sale. Also many other pieces of equipment for a stucco company. Including,Trailer, Other pieces of scaffolding, rope and pulley system...

Bedroom for rent in my condo offer Roomate Wanted

Bedroom for rent in my condo

Roomate Wanted

Master bedroom with private bath and shower...

House Cleaning offer Job

House Cleaning


I offer affordable house cleaning. I provide all cleaning supplies. I have 20 years cleaning experience, I work fast and very detailed once you have me clean or home or business you will be very pleas...

Daytona 500 offer Tickets

Daytona 500


Pair tickets for Daytona 500 section 336 row 16 seats 3&4 retail $440.00 sell for $350 or obo...

1910 oak furniture offer Home and Furnitures

1910 oak furniture

Home and Furnitures

Oak table and 6 chairs asking $500 buffet with mirror back asking $600 mahogany rocker asking $200 belonged to my grandmother but am moving and can't take them with me they've been in storage for abou...

Pastor looking to plant a church needs building offer Rental Wanted

Pastor looking to plant a church needs building

Rental Wanted

Pastor in Denver metro area in search of building with low cost to begin have services in once to twice weekly. ...

Single mom needs help offer Community

Single mom needs help


I am have come to the point where I am putting my own pride aside for what is beat for my children. I am a 35 year old single mom of a six year old and am currently 8 months pregnate with my second a...

Glendale Atrii Apartments offer Apartment For Rent

Glendale Atrii Apartments

Apartment For Rent

$760/ month utilities and internet included. NEED A ROOMMATE By February 1st. Hey, My names Ehrin I love sports, comics, movies, video games, sci fi, fantasy, philosophy and physics. 420 friendly, I l...

Glendale Atrii Apartments offer Apartment For Rent

Glendale Atrii Apartments

Apartment For Rent

$760/ month utilities and internet included. NEED A ROOMMATE By February 1st. Hey, My names Ehrin I love sports, comics, movies, video games, sci fi, fantasy, philosophy and physics. 420 friendly, I l...

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