Fun fell good part-time job teaching elementary age children to draw.We supply the lessons and supplies. You provide the fun and encouragement. Experience with children and basic art skills needed....
Garage Sale Friday July 13th 9 to 3 and Saturday the 14th from 8 until all is gone.Antiques inc kerosene lamps,treadle sewing machine., 1910 portable Singer. some dishes etc. Motorcycle riding leathe...
Downsizing. Lots of vintage items, linens, housewares, home decor, holiday decorations, books, toys, misc. Sat and Sun June 23 - 24 9am - 3pm. East Arapahoe Rd. & So. Quebec St. Heritage Place. 7075 ...
Small refrigerator, microwave, oriental rugs, various sporting goods for saleFriday, June 15, 8-12:00 only...
Private company located in Boulder area is seeking experienced journeyman plumber for full time work. Individuals applying must have minimum 1 year experience,basic hand tools, and drivers ...
FUTON, original mattress. Has cover. Metal frame. Almost new. $100 Make an offer. Call me....
$1000 — Condo For Rent —
1BR 1BA in Highline Meadows 720 Square feet. New kitchen cabinets, sink, stove, counters, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher disposal, bathroom vanity. One car garage in lot. Close to public trans...
$175 — Home and Furnitures —
Outdoor patio glass top table with 4 stacking chairs50" inch round metal table with removeable glass top. Hole in center of glass to fit a outdoor umbrella(not included).4 stackable metal and fabric c...
Perfect for a garage workspace or basement bathroom! Three cabinets are approximately 60 inches wide. These have all been well-taken care of but need a new home....