Brass cleaning
Cleaning Services — 06-27-2018
I have a brass fireplace fender which needs cleaning. It is approx. 4’ long and 8” high....
Cleaning Services — 06-27-2018
I have a brass fireplace fender which needs cleaning. It is approx. 4’ long and 8” high....
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-27-2018
many household items,rocking chairs and collectables...
Appliances — 06-26-2018
Almost like new, bought in Feb 2018. Black color. In excellent condition and works great....
Garage and Moving Sale — 06-21-2018
Many items, small appliances, dishes, books, linens, toys, purses and jewelry from India, many other items 1205 Sierra Mar Dr., San Jose, CA x streets off Gardendale btwn Foxworthy & Hillsdale ...
Auto Services — 06-21-2018
StarterAxleRadiatorNo startGas pumpWater pumpCar don,t startBall jointTie rod...
Home Services — 06-19-2018
I can buy grossary for you from the store of your choice, pay upfront and get paid after delivery....
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 06-17-2018
This desk is a beauty. It is in perfect condition....
$350 — Home and Furnitures — 06-17-2018
This desk is very nice and clean and undamaged. It is a Winners Only Inc. desk and I'm moving and cannot take it with me....
Car — 06-16-2018
I'm selling my 1996 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am for $5000.00 OBO. This car has recently had a $3000. Custom paint job, a $2000. Rebuilt motor installed, a $1100. Rebuilt rear end, and $1000. Custom rim...
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