Classifieds - Orange

Queen bed offer Home and Furnitures

Queen bed

$50Home and Furnitures

Queen bed with dark wood headboard. Can be taken apart for easy transportation. Excellent condition. Collection only. $50 ono. Call/text Jenny - (949) 331 2821...

Sofa bed with cover offer Home and Furnitures

Sofa bed with cover

$40Home and Furnitures

IKEA sofa bed with teal cover. Very good condition. Available for collection only. $40 ono. Call/text Jenny - (949) 331 2821...



Cleaning Services

Tiramos demolicion y basura y todo tipo de desechos limpiamos tu casa y garage, Hacemos todo tipo de demolicion interior exterior arrancamos techos demolemos paredes bardas garage's arrancamos piso qu...

Anaheimelectricalrepair offer Home Services


Home Services

Offers Restaurant maintenance service East Los Angeles, Orange County, Corona(7) days a week including holidays. General Maintenance Technicians offers’ and perform (Residential Commercial) per for...

Stain Glass Picture (26x58) offer Home and Furnitures

Stain Glass Picture (26x58)

$67Home and Furnitures

Solid oak hardwood fame,...

Stained Glass Picture offer Home and Furnitures

Stained Glass Picture

Home and Furnitures

Framed stained glass picture (26x58). $67.00...

Pool/Pond Building Supplies offer Garage and Moving Sale

Pool/Pond Building Supplies

Garage and Moving Sale

REtired contractor has lots of PVC fittings of various sizes including some hare to find sizes and shapes, sprinkler parts, pumps, timers, drains, lights, electrical parts and misc.Any reasonable offe...

Full size bed/boxspring/mattress offer Home and Furnitures

Full size bed/boxspring/mattress

$300Home and Furnitures

Bed set was purchased new from Ashley Furniture Oct 2017. Brand new condition. Mattress was never out of protective cover (other than for photo purpose). Valued at over $600.00....

2 Bedrooms with a Backyard Preferred for your arrangement with an Adorable BBW offer House For Rent

2 Bedrooms with a Backyard Preferred for your arrangement with an Adorable BBW

House For Rent

Note: YOUR PICTURE GETS MINE - IF YOU ARE SERIOUS (if you are not then spare me the nuisance of your boredom & deviousness) THEN YOU WOULD RESPECT MY REQUEST IN SENDING YOUR PHOTOGRAPH WHEN FIRST INQU...

Submerged Plant Protector offer Lawn and Garden

Submerged Plant Protector

Lawn and Garden

Nycon Submerged Plant Protector SPP-1 1 ft. diameter $20562 493-4641...

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