Garage sale
Items For Sale — 04-20-2018
Garage sale from 8 to 2 on 1507 3rd Street CDs and DVDs and miscellaneous stuff...
Items For Sale — 04-20-2018
Garage sale from 8 to 2 on 1507 3rd Street CDs and DVDs and miscellaneous stuff...
Car — 04-20-2018
2003 Silver with only 109000 miles. Clean interior and exterior,no dents. Current registration tag. Functional AC, and Bose Surround audio system. Dealer serviced and maintained.Call Duke at 562-479...
Auto Services — 04-19-2018
Private ride to Coachella tonight or tomorrow in spacious luxury van....
$150 — Appliances — 04-19-2018
Selling Admiral 3.6 Top Load Washer in White for sale. Works perfectly, need to sell because recently purchased a stackable washer/dryer. Selling for $150.00. Picture will be provided upon request....
House For Rent — 04-18-2018
Nice one bedroom, one bathroom house! New paint, new vinyl floors, new carpet and padding! Washer and dryer hook-ups! Close to NOHO District and the City of Burbank! Available now!!! $1,595.00 a month...
Car — 04-17-2018
2002 White Mitsubishi Lancer for sale for $2,000. Willing to negotiate price. 175k miles, email @emmieb2000@aol.com for more details. Brand new tires, fuel pump, air filter, battery, and rear shocks a...
$700 — Sporting Goods — 04-17-2018
I have an almost new Fusion One Black w/Orange Stripe Drysuit size XXS/XS for sale, in addition to the upgraded Thermal Undergarment and Size 8 boots. Normal retail price is around $1500 but I am sell...
Roomate Wanted — 04-17-2018
Room for rent preferably someone older must have a job no smoking or illegal drug use you will have access to the kitchen in the restroom must clean up behind yourself buy your own food and prepare yo...
For Rent — 04-16-2018
This room is a perfect rental for a student or young professional. Close to public transportation to major colleges( SMC, WLAC, UCLA ) and only 5 miles to the ocean. Short term a possibility. ...
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