Acoustic Piano
Musical Instrument — 01-22-2019
Small black 1970's Baldwin studio piano...
$300 — Home and Furnitures — 01-21-2019
Cast Iron propane stove. Exhaust pipes, outside defuser included. Has optional adjustable flame height.Excellent condition. Brass on faceplate. 661 305-1394...
Home and Furnitures — 01-18-2019
IKEA Malm king size bed, natural wood finish. Excellent condition. Must be picked up in Kenwood, CA....
Full Time — 01-16-2019
light housekeeping and sleep the night at home of elderly woman. $100/day ...
Health and Beauty — 01-16-2019
This is a very nice jogger, light weight with padded seat / back rest and large all terrain 16" rear wheels and 12" front. Large underseat storage pouch. When new, this Jogger was $80 at Walmart and h...
Car — 01-15-2019
Great 4 cylinder working car good tires AC new tags 172000 miles runs strong...
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