Yes I am a retired nurse I worked for va hospital 22 years and I am looking for a job to set with a elderly person at night can cook and clean not and help with bath.please in the San Pedro area call ...
Nice small black dinner table comes with one chair...
Works great comes with remoteNever had a problem with it very reliable TV...
KBQ barbecue smoker I’ve used it five times it’s up for sale
2001 Toyota Sequoia Limited Fully loaded Good condition
2nd owner since 2007
Garaged, original paint,
4.7L engine, 259000 miles
Dual AC, ice cold
Front seats warmer, fully powered adjustments
Auto Services —
Make it Shine is a mobile detailing service that allows you to to get a quality wash at a low cost as low as $25 and We come to you ...
Electrially adjustable, and air mattresss with electric compressor. Got from Apria; now not needed...
$4500 — Vehicle —
Great vehicle runs great... CarFax report available ...
$2050 — House For Rent —
In-Law Cottage with private fenced back yard and privacy with plenty of space. 900 SQ. Feet with updated kitchen, bathroom, and open concept with vaulted ceilings. Must have excellent credit and rec...
$8000 — Tools —
20 ' carry crane ,power all directions,three ph. 30'track. eight legs 15' legs 15' tall...