Unique Game Table and Chairs
Home and Furnitures — 10-22-2018
Inlaid wood design on table and (2) chairs. Games include Rollett, checker/chess, back grammon and a green felt table top for playing cards. All pieces are in great shape. $195 OBO....
Home and Furnitures — 10-22-2018
Inlaid wood design on table and (2) chairs. Games include Rollett, checker/chess, back grammon and a green felt table top for playing cards. All pieces are in great shape. $195 OBO....
Home and Furnitures — 10-22-2018
Contemporary dining table, buffet and hutch made from maple burl wood. Entire set $1,250 OBO. In great condition....
Home and Furnitures — 10-22-2018
Original Carousel Horse from Mexico. In great condition! $250 OBO...
Home and Furnitures — 10-22-2018
Prime Rib Cart from the infamous Lawry’s Primerib in Los Angeles! In good condition. $350 OBO...
$2900 — Items Wanted — 10-22-2018
2002 yamaha like new, new upholstery, street legal includes battery charger ...
Garage and Moving Sale — 10-18-2018
Community Wide Garage Sale, Sat 10-20 7am-10mCortaro Farms and Wheatfield Dr....
$1 — Items For Sale — 10-17-2018
2 small mirrors $25 each1 Larger Mirror $40BEST offer as they need to go, no room in garage!!...
$650 — Condo For Rent — 10-17-2018
Very nice 1 bedroom 1 bath condo perfect for a mature student or young professional. Clubhouse,pool and exercise equipment. Assigned parking. ...
General Labor — 10-17-2018
Looking for a full time Experience Forklift Mechanic. Must know Electric, Lp and diesel. Great pay based on experience. Please call 520-514-9223 or inquire at 861 E 18 street...
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